‘My presence here.
I need the ability to convey my utter amazement into a sentence at my presence here, while also conveying the smell and texture of my skin, everything I agreed with or disagreed with at this moment.’

 About Yuzhuo Wang

     I’m an interdisciplinary textile artist. I come from China, born in 1999, and I am based in Oslo, Norway. I graduated from KHIO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) master's degree in costume design. My work is about materials, body-based soft sculpture, art performance, and collaborating with stage-based artists. Working in the progress is a key to my practice, I use painting, and performance as my props to complete the show.

    In my previous art practice, I created new projects on the same topics over and over again, and every time it brought new sides to the same topics. For example, I used dolls as a metaphor to ‘construct’ a complete female body. In the Chinese calligraphy project, I came up with the ‘tactile sign language’ to push the boundaries of communication and reflected on the communication between generations in East-Asian society. And in the project ‘The Prescription of Intimacy’, I collaborated with musicians, dancers, and choreographers to create a space that allows intimacy to happen in public…Different features of the material form their language. As a textile artist, it’s my privilege to shape the material and form it, give it narrative, and express it in the process. At the same time, I enjoy exploring performance, I’ve participated in several performing projects, for example, my solo performance art project ‘The Prescription of Intimacy’ at  Kunstnernes Hus for KHIO Akademirommet, Lieu Le’s ‘Dancing in Tune with Oneself and Others - Recognizing’ for 'Tech Factory' Collectiveoslo oslorunway2024…

Yuzhuo Wang 2024